How Much Does an Allergy Test Cost Without Insurance in USA 2024

Getting tested for allergies can cost different amounts of money, depending on the type of test. For example, a simple blood test called RAST (Radioallergosorbent Test) might be around $50, while a more thorough skin evaluation could be as much as $700.

If you go for a skin prick test, it might be under $100, but a detailed intradermal assessment with 60 items could cost about $400 without insurance.

The most expensive tests are patch and provocation trials, which can range from $500 to over $1,500. Some private labs offer lower prices, so you might find tests for less than $350 in total.

3 Main Factors That Influence Allergy Testing Prices

Allergy testing can be an expensive medical cost when paying out-of-pocket without health insurance. The final price tag will depend on three several key factors:

1. Type of Allergy Test

The cheapest way to check for allergies is by using skin prick tests. They put a tiny bit of allergens on your skin, and it costs around $50-$100 per allergen.

Blood tests, which look for specific antibodies, are a bit more expensive, ranging from $100-$250. If you need more comprehensive tests like patch testing or checking for over 100 allergens at once, it can be over $300.

2. Number of Allergens Tested

  • Testing for many common allergies (like 10-15 things) costs around $200.
  • Testing for just a few specific allergies (about 4 to 5 things) is usually under $100.
  • If you want a super detailed test with lots of possible allergies (80-100+), it can be over $1000.

3. Geographic Location

Testing costs can vary a lot depending on where you live. For example, getting an allergy test in rural Mississippi might cost around $175, but in big cities like San Francisco or New York City, it could be $375 or more. If you can, check different places nearby to find the best price.


Do allergy test costs depend on the substance being tested?

Yes, costs may vary slightly based on the allergen, but the primary factors are the test type and the total number of items checked.

Are there additional charges besides the base cost of allergy testing?

Yes, expect upfront fees for the office visit, supplies, nursing services during the test, custom allergen solutions (for large panels), and copays for follow-up appointments.

Is allergy testing cheaper at an urgent care clinic compared to a dedicated allergy center?

Not always. While urgent care clinics may offer skin prick panels for under $200, immunology clinics may provide competitive pricing and specialized expertise. Compare pricing menus and consider insurance coverage for accurate cost comparisons.

Allergy testing can be pricey without insurance. Costs differ based on your location, the type of testing needed, and additional fees. To save money, compare providers and focus on testing for suspected allergens. However, even with careful choices, a comprehensive allergy evaluation could still cost you hundreds of dollars out-of-pocket.

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